MPC2000 Reference Manual [JAPANESE] [ENGLISH]
  [UPDATE]2010-06-30 16:32:22 [CREATE]2010-06-30 16:23:29     [137]     Write comment[member only]
1.12_48 Protecting the MPC from Irregular inputs

1. Refuses the let statement without any arguments
2. Ignore CTRL_A while the system is editing the memory. The list of memory operation. ? delete a line
? substitutes a line
? DELETE a line
? RENUM br> 3. DELETE includes quitting all the tasks
4. Refuses the command consisting 8 bit letters
5. The letters received irregularly (FE,OVR) are stored as ~.


MPC2000 Reference Manual -R5.11-   (C)2007 ACCEL Corp. all right reserved.